Tutorial: Triangle Nails

Sunday, 15 April 2012

Thought i would create a little tutorial for you all just to show you how i did the triangle nails from my video. Again, this is not my idea, i was inspired by Erin. But here is how i did it:

1. Choose the colours you want the triangles.
L-R: Fuzzy Peach, Pastel Polish, Lilac Dream, Not a clue, Grace Green

2. Paint your desired colour onto cellotape. I used the little dispenser because it made it a lot easier to paint onto the tape, but make sure you let if dry before moving it along.

3. Wait till they are all fully dry and then cut the individual colours of tape out.

4. Cut 2 triangles from each colour, using the straight edge as the bottom of the triangle.

5. Stick these onto your nails and then cover in 2-3 coats of clear nail varnish to seal it on. The more layers the better because the corners do have a tendency to come up.

This is how mine turned out.

Sorry the lighting isnt great on the photos, i should have done it in daylight rather than with the flash! Hope this helps you to see the steps of how they are done. Link me below if you have a go :) i have a few other nail art ideas that i really want to try out that i have seen on peoples blogs. The only problem i have is that i have to take my nail varnish off for work so i never get to keep it on for long.

I also want to say a massive hello to any new followers! The amount of traffic i have had lately has been pretty amazing so thank you. If you link your blogs when you comment i'll make sure i check them out!
