Friday, 11 March 2011



photos: weheartit

My life has been pretty crazy these past few days, good and bad. The bad news: i lost one of my cats yesterday, he was killed by a car and i found him in the morning. He was called Dylan and was 9 months old. We all miss him.So there have been many tears but things will be ok. On the brighter side i got my results yesterday and managed AAB which i am happy with so that made my day a bit better. Sorry to bother you all with everyday nonsense rather that fashion stuff (not that i post about that much anyway.)
The dress i ordered from Yayer is at the post office and just needs to be picked up, cant wait to get it! Really hoping it fits and suits me. I'll get a photo up asap. In the meantime i hope everyone has a better week than i have been having. :)

ps. dont forget to enter my giveaway!


  1. I'm so sorry about your cat :(
    Well done on the exams though!
    I love your tattoo :) xx

  2. oh my, i am so sorry about the car, some people are really mean if they just leave the cat on the road and don´t even come along to say sorry

  3. so awful to hear about your poor cat! I know if I lost mine in such a way i'd be crying too, but I hope you feel a bit better soon :(
    I loved your tattoo in the last post might I add!

  4. oh gosh so sorry to hear about your cat :( i can't imagine how awful you must be feeling. congrats on your results though, that's awesome xo

  5. awww am sorry about your cat thats so sad :-) x

  6. I'm sorry to hear about your cat, that must be awful :(.On a positive note, congratulations on getting AAB! x


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