Curly mane

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

01. Quick webcam photo from earlier this week, i put it on twitter so you may have seen it already. This is my natural (crazy) hair. I tend to straighten it, or at least blow dry it so it isnt so big but somedays i like to leave it and thats when the curls come out. By the end of the day though it just looks limp, and if i brush it it turns into a massive frizz ball!

02. How cute are the new craft scissors on picmonkey?! Since picnik closed down its been my go-to editing site and i love how they always come up with cool new ideas for ways to edit your photos.

03. I have three exams left, nearly there! They finish on monday next week but my last one is general studies which doesnt really count so it feels like they finish on friday. I actually cant wait. Revision is driving me insane.

04. Got some 18ths to look forward to when i finish as well. One this saturday, one on monday and my best friend turns 18 at the beginning of July. Im hoping to make a big batch of cupcakes for her party so need to think up a nice design, maybe have a trail run before i make loads of them. I also need to get her a present, completely stumped for ideas though! 

Right i had best get back to revising. This maths isnt going to learn itself :(



  1. I wish my hair was naturally like this. Mine does dead straight and not much else x

  2. i wish i had naturally curly hair like yours, its gorgeous! xo

  3. I love your natural hair, so pretty! :) xoxo

  4. fantastic hair and nice picture.
    lovely greets and kisses
    maren anita

    FASHION-MEETS-ART by Maren Anita

  5. Your hair looks great like this! You should have it like this more often :) xx


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