Today we got out the christmas decorations. I put up a mini tree in my room and we started to put odd bits around the house. Then we went and bought our christmas tree! This has to be on of my favourite parts of christmas. The whole family gets involved trying to get it to stand up straight in the pot, a million attempts at getting the lights to work, choosing what the colour scheme will be, putting all the decorations on it, and finally the star on top. I will try and get a picture up later of the final product.
Had a great weekend this weekend with my girls. Had a night out last night which basically made my whole week. Really cant wait for the christmas holidays, more nights out and get to see all my family for christmas. The only downside is that i will have to revise for january exams :(
I popped into leeds this afternoon too, in the horrid rain. I went to get the UO boots i bought in a bigger size but they didnt have them! So i just had to return the beautiful boots. It was made slightly better that i found a bargain of a
jumper in topshop which i will try get a picture of this week for you guys. Its so lovely, and even better because of the fact i nearly bought it when it was full price.