Monday, 28 November 2011

Not posted for a whole week cause ive been pretty busy! I have been doing quite a bit of driving and am really enjoying it, all good practice for when i take my test as well. Also worked loads, which can be a complete pain, but gets me lots of extra money which is really helping at the moment. Especially in this run up to chirstmas. (Getting rather excited about christmas already!) Got a few pressies sorted but still waiting to do a secret santa at college so i know who i am buying for. I put my fairy lights up in my room last week which look really lovely on these dark afternoons.
The mittens in my picture are from my latest asos order, along with a few other bits and pieces that i will show you. The boots i ordered from urban outfitters came too but they are too small :( need to get into a store so i can get them in the next size up. I have also been completely suckered in by urban outfitters's xmas gift guides, someone stop me before i buy things i dont need!


Monday, 21 November 2011

Winter boots

Sunday, 20 November 2011

Its already getting pretty cold so i need to hurry up in buying some winter boots. But i cant decide which pair to get. These are some of my favourites. I was drawn the the Deena & Ozzy lace ups last time i was out shopping, but never bought them. What are your favourite boots this season? 


Lego House

Friday, 18 November 2011

 Blouse, trousers & blazer - River Island
Shoes - Dorothy Perkins

This is what i wore to my interview this morning. Wanted to go for something different rather than blacks and grays felt this was much more 'me'. The interview went well, i think. Only lasted 12 minutes though! And although i had more to say, i felt confident and answered well. One down. Got another interview on 15th december at manchester which is good.
Hope everyones enjoyed their week. Loving this colder weather, able to layer up all my clothes. Should really put any summer clothes away though to make more room on my hanging rail. Its my dads birthday tomorrow which will be nice. Pancakes for breakfast, a round of presents and football with him in the afternoon. 


Oxblood and Wedges

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Went out for yet another 18th on sunday night. It was at this amazing old theatre called the Picturedrome where they had hired out the top balcony. I got ready with my friend Deanna at my house, love getting ready to go out. I wore my new dress that i bought from topshop this week, which was a bargain at only £18! with my new black wedges.

(i have the weirdest smile)

At the weekend i also did loads of driving, getting in practice so hopefully i can take my test soon. I also had lunch with my granny and grandad which was lovely :) and i worked for 12 hours, which is a lot for me on a weekend!
I have a lot of work to do for college lately and keeping on top of that is like trying to climb a mountain. Especially when i am also trying to prepare for my interview at Liverpool university this friday. I bought my outfit for this last night though so i'll get it up here asap so i can find out what you guys think of it. I am very nervous for it..


Thursday, 10 November 2011


A-Z of me

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

This came from Sophieal's blog and i thought it would be quite a fun thing to have a go at, cause i love reading them too. Trying to think up some more ideas for the blog aswell, will have a brainstorm when i have some more time.

A. Age: 17
B. Bed size: double
C. Chore that you hate: not sure i have one..
D. Dogs: i'm more of a cat person.
E. Essential start to your day: a shower, or else i dont think i would wake up.
F. Favourite color: wine red/purple.
G. Gold or Silver: gold watch but silver earrings. is that acceptable?
H. Height: 5"9!
I. Instruments you play: i played piano and saxophone.
J. Job title: i make pizzas at Dominos whilst being a student.
K. Kids: not right now, but someday i will, 2 or 3.
L. Live: west yorkshire.
M. Mother’s name: Angela - and shes the most amazing person in the world.
N. Nicknames: harto - only get called it by one person though.
O. Overnight hospital stays: several :|
P. Pet peeves: i am pretty OCD about everything: neat work, hate dirty showers, hair on peoples clothes, being on time, tidy room. i could go on and on.
Q. Quote from a movie: i wish i knew a really cool one. i love this one though ‎"If you are allergic to a thing, it is best not to put that thing in your mouth, particularly if the thing is cats." - Lemony Snicket.
R. Right or left handed: right.
S. Siblings: younger sister and brother.
U. Underwear: yes, i wear underwear.
V. Vegetable you hate: mushrooms and spinach, i dont know which i hate more.
W. What makes you run late: nothing - i hate being late!
X. X-Rays you’ve had: arm + finger.
Y. Yummy food that you make: i love making a risotto.
Z. Zoo animal: monkeys.


Saturday, 5 November 2011

For me this is the year of the 18th birthdays. Unfortunately my birthday isn't until July next year, which means fake id for all the birthdays before that. Going to town tonight for one of my closes friends 18ths and this will be my first night out! So last week we went shopping for her birthday, to buy dresses and heels. I invested in a one sleeved black bodycon dress with cut out sides from Lipsy and two pairs of wedges.

Both pairs are from a shop in Leeds which i had never been in before. They were only £25 a pair which i thought was a bargain! Before i have never really been one for heels because i couldnt justify spending topshop prices when i probably wouldnt wear them that much. Now i just want more pairs..
Looking forward to tonight, hoping it all goes well. And then also cant wait for the bonfire i am going to tomorrow with some friends. Anyone else going to bonfires this weekend?
