Thought i would do another interview for you guys. This one is with Rose from rosedl. I absoloutely love her blog. Its one of those ones who makes me happy when it comes up on my blogroll. She has great style and what she writes about is great to read. So read on to find out a bit more about her and her blog:
What/who inspired you to start a blog?
Well, I was reading blogs before i started my own, and i have to say i was inspired by LLYMLRS. I saw a lot of blogs through Lookbook/chictopia and i stumbled across hers and thought OMG this is amazing. And then decided to start my own.
What advice would you give to someone who is just starting out?
Keep at it! It may feel like your getting no where at the start and no one is even reading your blog but they are and they will! Keep at it and it's not all about the followers and page views. Do it for yourself if anything.
Do you think it was important for you to gain followers?
No i don't think it is! I still read blogs that don't have many followers, it doesn't mean there not good? I think obviously it's nice to have followers but it's not all about that. I blog for myself i feel like it's a nice thing to do and as a sort of diary for college mostly. It actually really good for stress relief (i sound like an old women right now) but when I'm stressed with college ect i take 5 minutes to blog and let it all out!
Your studying art right now, is that what you want to continue with in the future?
Yes, I think so. Well I'm more in to Fashion/Textiles but i definitely want to go in to the whole art industry in the future!
I love your hair! Have you always had it that long?
Aww thank you! And yeah. When i was younger it was always long and was almost down to my bum. But then when i was in year 4/5 my Mum cut it all off in to a bob... Never been so upset in my life! I was so attached to my hair hahaha. Then in year 8 i went through my whole emo stage and got a fringe and short layers so it was shorter then. But I've been growing it ever since.
Whose is your favourite blog to read? And why?
I read SO many blogs and follow so many, so it's hard to list them all but the ones i love reading at the moment are.
woah okay sorry for the long list! I hope i haven't left anyone out. I do read so many i kind off forget haha
What’s your favourite high street store to buy from?
The usual, Topshop H&M Urban outfitters. I'm really loving H&M at the moment the spring clothes are all lovely so far!
You’re selling quite a few things on ebay at the moment, any tips for other people who want to sell?
Oh that reminds me i need to put some more things up hahha! Ermm I don't really know I'm a new ebayer but I'd say just go for it! It’s a great way to make some money. And it's nice to know people will get wear out of clothes you don't wear anymore yourself (sorry for the shit answer there)
How long do you think you will continue your blog for?
Oh I don't know! I haven't though about that. Probably a long time! Till i go Uni maybe? I'm not sure... I think i may have to stop sooner or later as college work is getting harder! Hopefully it's no time soon :)